House Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development
DeAnn serves as Chairperson of this committee, which reviews matters pertaining to agriculture, livestock, forestry, industrial development, natural resources, oil and gas, publicity and parks, levee and drainage, rivers and harbors, similar legislation, and resolutions germane to the subject matter of the committee
House Rules Committee
The House Rules Committee considers all bills reported from policy and fiscal committees and determines whether, and in what order, to schedule their consideration on the floor of the House. The Rules Committee also reviews, adopts and schedules consideration of floor resolutions.
House Education Committee
The House Education Committee reviews matters pertaining to public kindergarten, elementary, secondary, and adult education, vocational education, vocational-technical schools, vocational rehabilitation, higher education, private education institutions, and similar legislation.
Arkansas Legislative Council
The Arkansas Legislative Council collects data and information upon which legislative decisions will be made during regular session of the General Assembly. The Legislative Council is the supervisory committee for the Bureau of Legislative Research, and the council coordinates the activities of the various interim committees and through the various committees members.